
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some things for christmas

Christmas trees in Federation Square:


Santa. (Who deliverers the gifts under our tree in the living room. Please note Australia Post, how Santa doesn't just leave our stuff in the letter box out front!!):

Here is a little something to put under the tree:
Yes, it's a bike for little Timmy (and by the front tyre are some beers for dad.. umm I mean Santa! I remember my step-dad once telling me that Santa doesn't like milk!  So we should leave out a stubbie and corned beef sandwich!):

Christmas is also a time to think about others:

Our friends and family:

Obscure reference for all but a few:

  Nieces and nephews, cute when they aren't being a pain in the backside:

It is also a time to spare some thoughts for those doing it rough (bedding seen here is situated next to train tracks and  under a carpark in the very affluent suburb of South Yarra):

Lastly what would Christmas be without those daggy songs we pretend to hate, but can't stop singing along to!

Lastly, I leave you with a message from the the King and I:

All photographs's copyright matthew schiavello 2011. My nephew is copyright his parents 2005. God bless being able to give children back to their parents!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cleaning out the front room- forgotten treasures

I was cleaning out my front room recently and whilst culling my CD collection I came across these forgotten treasures.

This first one is such a cool tune. Handsome Boy Modelling school, A.K.A Dan the Automator and Prince Paul. This track features Sean Lennon, Josh Hayden and Money Mark.

Handsome Boy Modelling School: 'Sunshine'

This next one, was a tune I loved for so long, I can't believe I had forgotten it.

Everything but the girl- 'Walking wounded'

This next one many people loved... well a few people I know hated it.. but with lines like:
'A letter to you on a cassette, cause we don't write anymore'.. and
'there's no aphrodisiac like loneliness, you shouldn't leave me alone'...
how can you not get caught up in it?

The Whitlams: no aphrodisiac

In the process of cleaning out my front room I also found some notebooks I had written in a very long time ago. I think I was in my early 20's at the time. Yikes!!!!! As I previously shared three songs, I will share some pieces from three notebooks found. These writings of youth with its dizzying heights and depths... where every feeling seems to be overwhelming... Ah to be young again and to feel the roller-coaster highs and lows of life, love and unrequitedness... ummm, maybe not.

One notebook I titled 'Things best left unsaid'.


Everything comes to an end.
Somethings sooner than most
The sadness that permeates
the happiness that never was.


In another note book I wrote down some thoughts on relationships (some editing done for flow):

We define our relationships as we live them. Conventional rules are no longer relevant- wife, kids, dog, till death do us part. Now the possibilities are endless and fidelity seems a curious remnant of the past, something quaint, something that we wish we had still. The rules of modern relationships seem to be discovered as we hurt and become hurt ourselves. If the hurt does not tear us apart, we learn of a new boundary, a new rule of engagement. Writing the rules as we go hurts like hell. Why can't we harken back to the old days and ways,  using their learning's, reshaping to suit our modern life?

Theses are from the last of the notebooks rediscovered:

In the silence that gathers
my heart lies broken
Words cannot express
this deepest, deepest sorrow.


I do but wish to be with you
to feel your warmth and caring
this mouth so sweet, I'm wanton to kiss
Oh, but I do so wish.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

A training guide for the European counsellor : Guiding Principles

Previously you were promised a whole new world, a brave new world, the world of the european counsellor. You were teasingly introduced to the concept last month and here we are with another precious installment. This installment provides you with what is most crucial and critical. It provides a foundation from which you can build your practice upon. These guiding principles will underpin and inform your work. This is not reading for the faint of heart! Dear reader, prepare to be challenged, to be enlightened, to have the information wash over you, caress you and then lead you to it's private chambers. Prepare to be reborn. All the while, dear reader, never loose sight of the fact that your new self was only possible due to my humble self and K.P. (editor extraordinaire)!  Yes, all donations are gratefully accepted (cash only, no paper trails please)! Without further ado, without enforcing an ad break like some tacky television program, or even to leave you waiting till next blog post, like some tacky serial, let me waste no more time and get straight to the point. What is the point I hear you ask, yes tis seems an eternity since we last talked of why we are here. Alas, existential questions such as these must wait for their appropriate time, which is not today, for today we are here instead for another installment in the magnificent guide for the European counsellor. This frightfully sublime installment provides some guiding principles to help us as make sense of the mess that is other people’s lives.  Forget those pompous doctors with their ‘do no harm’ oath, because 'sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind!' Which should probably be guiding principle #1.  Read on for more:

‘You are right, you are the expert, that is why people come to you’.
Don’t forget that, because once you do, how can you help others? Don't lose sight of why you are there!

‘If you feel it, express it’.
The moment you put a filter between what you feel and what you say, you’re not being honest. Is that what you want? To lie to your client? They are paying for you! For your brilliant advice and for your honesty. They are paying for you not to bullshit them. The only people in life you lie to are; the tax man, the government, your partner, your family, your friends and anyone else you feel  it appropriate.

‘If the client isn’t listening to you, they are not learning, and if they are not learning, how can their situation change’.
The client has come to you because you are an expert. If the client knew how to fix their situation, why would they be there paying you? So less client chit-chat and them going over and over the mess they are in, and more focus on you and your brilliant advice. They can share their long winded woe-is-me stories with their friends, shop assistants or strangers in bars, you only have 50 minutes to change their life. Keep an eye on the clock and make it happen. 

‘Problem in, solution out’.
As a beginner, you should aim to solve each problem by the end of each session. Set a 'best time' and try to beat it. The more experienced you get, the more problems you can solve in each session. The truly gifted will square the client up as they walk through the door and tell them what their problem is before they have a chance to sit down or open their mouth. An example – “I can tell from looking at you that you don’t listen”. The next step would be to move straight into solution finding, which for the European counsellor means, dishing out your sage advice. Remember, the more advice you can dish out in a session, the more 'bang for their buck' the client is getting! Who doesn't love value for money?

‘If the advice didn’t work, It’s because the client has not followed it properly’.
You can lead a man to water but you can’t make him drink. If you hold his head under water long enough he will drown. Keep that in mind and remember that the law may view it as facilitated suicide. Speak to your lawyer in need.

‘If you think this is too hard, it probably is’.
There is no shame in walking away from a ‘too hard client’ or ‘situation’. Better to do it now than later, as chances are it will only have become a bigger problem. At the end of the day it is not your problem and you have to ask yourself, ‘do I need this right now’? Just think, you could instead be catching up with fellow alumni for high tea. Don’t forget to (constantly) think of yourself and what is best for you. After all, your clients need you to be at your best.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


It is odd that almost ten years later I still find myself thinking of him. Sometimes I wonder if he is ok. I wonder if he is happy. I like to imagine that he is. Sometimes I want to pick the phone up and call him. Sometimes I miss him, his smile and warmth. Sometimes I realise that I didn't really know him. I was too immature to see beyond myself and my own needs. When it ended, it was clear that this was all that could have come of it, we both wanted and needed very different things. But for a few brief years, we were what we both needed. We loved as best we could and we became better people. Now, for many varied reasons I can't call him, but I still think about him. I still miss him and love him. When I am maudlin, his memory is most strong. A glass of wine or a beer, weakens my resolve not to complicate his life or trouble him with my phone call. But over time I have learnt to trick my desire and as such his phone remains silent from my calls.

Hilton, you loved phonographs and gramophones. You loved a world that existed before you. I still have the cd you made me of Libby Holman. I still recall your seriousness as you said 'If anything ever happens to me, take the Edison phonograph'. Though you rarely said 'I love you', this was your way of saying it. Where I was verbose, emotional, expressive and quick to react, you were the opposite. Back then I didn't know how to read nuance, especially yours. My insecurity got the better of me and so I missed the best of you.
And here we are. Years later, different people, grown older and further apart. My thoughts of you are imbued with romantic dreams and fallacy. The truth is that we are human and we err. The truth is that I am very grateful that our lives crossed. You helped me grow, you gave me love and every day that I woke up next to you, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. You were and are beautiful, intelligent, generous and kind. Some people believe that once we express something, it enters the collective consciousness where others are then able to access this expression. It becomes shared in some mysterious and unknown way. I'd like to think that this is true and that it does happen. I'd like to think that my heartfelt thanks and apology for not being all I wished I could be, finds its way through the collective consciousness to you, where ever you are, hopefully happy and living a content life.

with love,

Libby Holman- 'Am I blue'.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The dream

A few days back I posted a blog piece on the dilemma faced in being true to your ideals and values, while also having to pay the bills (The good, the bad and the ugly-november 2011). This is a dilemma I am facing and the night I posted the blog piece I asked for guidance to come to me in a dream.

The dream.... It was long, vivid and so real. I was looking at buying a house and came across a very large city apartment. My first impressions were 'no'.. not enough windows, it is claustrophobic, not what I am looking for.. and the outside traffic noise is very loud. But then I saw some good features; lots of cupboards and storage space (yes I am a practical gay man!), the rooms were very large, and location was convenient. Though it wasn't really what I wanted, I began to sell it to myself by focusing on the good points and how I do need a place to live and if I wait too much longer... then what?.... I might not find anything better etc... Then something odd happened, my friend Mark appeared. Mark was a dear friend who passed away five years ago this November. He was as always 'there for me' and here he was now accompanying me on a second trip to check out the apartment, where I seemed to be selling it to myself more and more... Mark stopped me and in a friendly and caring way he highlighted all of the negative aspects of the apartment and asked me why I was settling for it, when it was obviously not what I was looking for. I looked at Mark, his words of wisdom ringing in my ears and my folly slowly dawning on me. I was silent, thinking, staring ahead at Mark dressed in his handyman's overalls. The window behind him framed his kindly and unassuming stance. 'That is so you', I thought and then I found myself remembering how much he had been there for me in the past and how much we had loved each other. He was right and had told me what I knew but for some reason was scared to see. At that moment. the bright morning sun flooded in behind him, creating an angelic effect. He smiled in that warm, supportive way, never patronisingly, though he was often right and then he disappeared in the brightness.

I awoke with the word 'settling' in my mind and a lyric from Neko Case wafting through the air " thought that you could outrun sorrow... '. It all comes together now. Once more I settle out of fear. This isn't for me. It isn't terrible or wrong, but it is not inline with my values and ideals. I am just settling, because I do need to pay the bills and this was all that was there. I feared that if i didn't take it, nothing else would have come along. An image of trying to outrun something unseen or unknown is conjured... Sometimes fear stops us from waiting.  We take what we can to get us through, to outrun what is unknown, be it sorrow, pain, poverty.. the list goes on. But if we were to bravely wait...then what? Something better? Something marvelous or magnificent? What if this is the best there is? Or in thinking this, are we too scared to dream? Too fearful to realise our ideals?

Neko Case- 'Magpie to the morning'

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The good, the bad and the ugly- November 2011

The good:
Recently, a dear friend and I saw Woody Allen’s ‘Midnight in Paris’. This film had a lovely understated quality about it. Yes, Woody Allen still writes for Woody Allen, leaving his male leads to imitate him, but Owen Wilson does get away with it better than most who have come before. One thing I like about Owen Wilson is that he is adept at using the space in between words to communicate, via a look, a movement etc…where Allen is sometimes too verbose and his wit, while still charming, is often too mature for these younger actors… still enough of these minor quibbles.. An important point is that the morning after watching this film, I awoke still feeling it's warm glow within me!

This film is Allen's love note to Paris and watching it, made me fall in love with the city as well. A huge feat given that my one and only visit to Paris in 2010, did not leave me  impressed. But after watching Allen’s opening montage….Paris and I seem to have now made up. The long glances we exchange, communicates the shared forgiveness for our past folly, as well as our hope for a brighter future together…ahhhh… Do you see what Allen has done to me??? The Parisian tourism board need to put him on their books! 'Midnight in Paris', the title itself is captivatingly romantic, as is the thought of walking it's streets in the rain... I shan't bore you by talking about the plot or the themes of denial, self-trust, honesty and one’s search for meaning and happiness (a regular theme for Allen), I will say that it was a delightful and in some ways a subtle film, which is well worth watching. Now, through the magic of the internet, allow me to present to you the opening sequence to 'Midnight in Paris' and prepare to fall in love!

The bad:
Having to choose between ideals and paying the bills.

Recently in one of my paid roles, I was presented with a situation where I began to question if my ideals are in-line with my employer. This led me to do much soul searching. I realise that no role will be exactly in-line with our ideals, or if it is at the start, the lines can shift over time. So here I sit pondering, if I am being stubborn, idealistic or am I simply being ‘true to myself’... perhaps I am being all three. But alongside that thought is the concern of how do I also ensure that I can pay the mortgage and eat. I ask you, do we change the world, or does the world change us?

So this month’s ‘The bad’… is dedicated to the uncomfortable struggle we face in our ongoing quest for congruence in our lives, between our actions and our ideals.. and the tightrope we walk between staying true to these ideals, finding a compromise and betraying ourselves and selling out.

The ugly:
Media personality Helen Razor once talked very openly about Mr Buzzy, her intimate ‘self-help’ friend… Which reminds me of a sad and in some ways an ugly tale. This is a tale of a man I had recently been seeing and how I inadvertently put myself out of a job.  You see, I was helping out at ‘that store’ again and this guy I was seeing, decided to visit me there. We talked about the products, pointed, giggled, made some jokes and then before you could say ‘batteries included’ I was selling a ‘self-help friend’ to this guy.. to my guy!
After this purchase, I have to say that it was a long time in-between hearing from him and now it seems that I have put myself out of a job! (if I can describe it that way).. Last I heard, he and the 'self-help' friend were very, very happy! So word to the wise.. if you are ‘involved’ with someone, try to avoid selling them ‘self help’ intimacy aides that will only make you obsolete…

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue- November 2011

Something Old:

'The Smiths' seem to be buzzing about at the moment, maybe it is because they have released a new collected box set of their LP's (which are too expensive for me to buy right now, plus I already have three of the LPs on vinyl). For the person wanting to 'explore' the Smiths, let me say that if you buy just one Smiths LP... though I love 'The queen is dead' and 'Strangeways here we come', go for 'Hatful of Hollow' it is brilliant! And it has some great live recordings on it as well. Anyway, here is 'something old' from the now defunct 'The Smiths'. Apparently this is a demo recording! I do love the live and rawer sound of it! As well as the extra refrain around the 3.10 minute mark (something like - 'there is a light in your eye that never goes out') which is not on the final version found on 'The Queen is dead' LP.

The Smiths- "There is a light that never goes out"

Something New:

The Black Keys have a new track and it has a great video clip. There are so many things to love about this clip: It is done in one continuous take (which I love). There is a lady who quickly pops her head into shot (look at the 'office window' at the 29 second mark) and then realises 'whoops!' The guy dancing in it is brilliant and can come to any of my families parties anytime!!! (I can see my aunties twisting, rocking and rolling along with him). Lastly the track itself has so much energy!

The Black Keys - 'Lonely boy'

Something Borrowed:

This is apparently off a Christmas LP they released. All I will say is that not only is the tune great, but the clip is full of cheesy Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass goodness as well! I have to confess that the song itself is one of my favorites.

Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass and "My Favorite things'

Something Blue:
Louis Armstrong performing on the Bell Telephone Hour: The American Song, February 2, 1964! I have heard a few variations of this tune, there is an earlier version I am quite partial to, however this here is a live clip of Louis and crew, which is a real treat to see!

Louis Armstrong- Basin St Blues.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Random images from walking about

Every time I drive past this, I think- Oh! I should stop and take a photo... so I finally did.

 Piano falling apart in someones front yard:

Stuck on a side wall in the back streets of Northcote:

Eureka tower, Southbank (running late to have dinner at my brother's, but finding time to take some photo's!):

Raining in the lanes of Fitzroy:

The city at night:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A training guide for the European counsellor- Introduction.


As a counsellor trained in the humanistic approaches, one thing that I have trouble with is containing the conversation. It often takes me most of the session to get the client to finally stop talking about themselves and to focus on me! I really want to get to that point much quicker in my sessions so that my client has more time to sit and listen to this wise bard (yes, me again). When I say that clients can learn so much from me, I am not just humbly stating the obvious. My life experience has led me to a place where I am generously able to offer the most excellent of advice. So I recently set off looking for books, training or whatever I could find to help me get out of the humanistic rut I was in.

After much searching I was flabbergasted to discover the lack of assistance for counsellors such as I, who need help in making the focus of the session ‘me’ and my brilliance. Most of the books I found were all ‘client focused’. These books were so Western and so polite, they made me throw my arms up in disgust and make some random unintelligible noise beginning with ‘Phugh!”. These guides all lacked  passion and life. Are counsellors expected to be blank faced emotionless robots who summarise, repeat phrases and rattle off generic phrases like …’how do you feel about that’, ‘what are you feeling right now’, ‘tell me more’ etc. Where is the gusto and fiery emotion of the European?  It’s about time someone put together a few pointers for the European styled counsellor. Yes, the counsellor who is not afraid to say it like it is, who won’t take crap and whose motto is ‘If you ain’t gonna take my advice, then don’t waste my time!’ By George, I am feeling inspired just rereading those few lines that I, myself  have typed! As no one is able to pull themselves away from ‘actively listening’ to their clients for long enough to assist us, the us who need more than the lifeless humanistic approaches offer, then it seems left up to self-inspiring I to bravely lead the way and re-write the bible (so to speak)!

Yes, I will kindly write a guide for you and for all the budding ‘European counsellors' everywhere who may need some guidance on how to bring honest emotion, good advice, truth (which does sometimes hurt, but remember, it is for your own good), passion and engagement back into the counselling session!  I am also excited to now present the only factual thing you'll come across in this guide, which is:

Actual studies show that it is not the style or the model of counselling that matters as such, it’s the quality of the counsellor-client relationship!

Everyone knows that Europeans are the experts on relationships! Whether these relationships last or if there will be faithfulness in them, I cannot say (in fact I don't think there is a word in European for 'fidelity', but don't quote me on that!). Do stay tuned for haphazardly presented snippets, tricks and tips that will bring out the medallion wearing, mono-browed European within. Throw the word ‘counsellor’ in, grab a coffee, some cannoli and congratulations! you are now officially a European Counsellor! 

Now go out there and change some lives!

matteo schiavello.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

my cards.. Yay!!!

I have recently started making beautiful hand made cards.
I use high quality 250 GSM card stock and envelopes that 'peel and seal'.
Matte photos of images that I have taken, are then mounted onto the card stock.
All who have purchased the cards, speak of their 'high quality'.
A few people have even brought some cards to frame! (silly people, I sell framed 4 x 6 and  A4 sized images as well!!!!, but more of that another time)

The cards (name of the design is written under the image):

Spacemen in Fitzroy, Riding down the lane, Eiffel tower and Lane in Como, Italy:

Thanks, Raining colour in Fitzroy (not available), London Tube & Venus Bay, Gippsland:

Thank You, The view from Gerard's window, Paris, Lunch in Versailles & watching over us:

Love is possible, Chrysler Building, New York, Saucer and Spoon & Latte:

Santa, As night falls & Love is all you need & an i-phone:

Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Keller & Kalmbach, Munich & Flower detail, Battery Point, Tas

Smoking in the Lane, Berlin Lane & Peek a Boo

Aside from these cards being a beautiful and original gift in themselves,
as we get closer to christmas, these cards are absolutely perfect to place a gift voucher within!

If you would like to order any cards (and while the website is on its way), please email me at:                      

-Let me know which designs you would like and how many of each design (please note that a couple of the cards come in different coloured card stock, i.e. the 'santa' card has a red or white card stock).

- Please also provide me with your name and address details to send the cards to.
I will then get back to you with postage costs. Once payment is made, cards are then mailed off.

Support local starving artists!! (ie me!)

The cards are approx 115mm X 165mm

$5 each plus postage.

As you can imagine, some of the designs are currently available in a couple of stores locally at a much higher retail price! So this is the perfect opportunity to obtain these cards at an unbelievably great price!

I am so confidant of how great these cards are, that I will gladly refund you the cost of any of the cards you are not happy with!

Payment is preferred via pay-pal.  Easy to set up, safe and secure to use !
Any questions please email me -

Here is a picture of the back of envelope showing 'peel and seal' flap.

* please note that the colours may vary slightly than in the above images. Some of the above photos might also have some glare 'effect' from lighting, at the time the photo was taken. Having put these mandatory disclaimers in, let me say that when you do receive your cards,
you will not be disappointed!!!

matthew laurence schiavello.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The good, the bad and the ugly - October 2011

The Good: Harvesting from the veggie garden!!!

I thought I would try growing beetroot this year, so I popped some in my front yard...Here are some of the beetroot ready to be cooked and eaten!:

And here are some Silverbeet and Rocket I have been harvesting. I love harvest/cut as you need type veggies!!! I had just taken out some snow peas and am thinking of popping in some yellow beans or tomatoes... Hell, I think I'll be a daredevil and plant both!!!

The Bad:  Porn covers
 I helped out at that shop again recently and stumbled across these pornographic parodies. I can't help looking at them and feeling really confused. I liked and have nice memories of the films, but these are not the films I recall. I would ask why?, I mean Psycho?? come on!!!! But I do wonder if we would really want to know the answer...

The Ugly:  'Friends' and John Kellogg Hodgman.

Here I have to nominate my 'friends' as being 'ugly' for bagging my future husband. How can anyone think this man is nothing but handsome??? I am worried that all of my friends think him unattractive and that I, apparently, have no taste in men. Obviously the truth is that I have poor taste in friends. If they reality checked me about the fact that a) he is married to a woman and b) he lives in the U.S.of A. that would be an acceptable friend type gesture, but to putdown my future husband, well.....No invites to slide show night! Anyway, on a serious note, here are some photos of the future Mr Schiavello, umm I mean of John Kellogg Hodgman (also known for playing 'PC' in the PC /Mac ads).

Ummm, If I had a friend photoshop me into this picture, so that John's arm is around me, would that be weird and creepy??

 After looking this cute face, how can anyone say no? Those eyes say it all, intelligence, humour, quirkiness, depth...and errr what ever else you or I want to read into them!

John a couple of years back as the 'PC guy' (on the left) with the Mac guy on the right. Are Mac users too cool to tuck their tops in?:

Oh, thanks to Ric, for 'finding' this pic of hubby and I at my graduation!
 (I can't stop laughing, hehehe too funny!!!!).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life a new

It has been a while since I have been inspired to write anything 'humorous'. Through a series of events, to which there is no blame to attribute, I am now unemployed and living below the poverty line. This is not a cry for help, sympathy or alms, merely a statement.

In order to obtain financial assistance from the government, I have engaged with services and had all dignity stripped away by the people who were there to help me. I have to participate in 'job club' on  a weekly basis. 'What is job club?' I hear you ask, it is where a large group of us unemployed sit in a room looking for and applying for jobs, all under the close watch of case workers. Apparently they need to make sure that we 'do the right thing' and as such we can't be trusted to look for work from outside their offices (a case worker told me this). I can't help but wonder what type of a society treats it's less fortunate and unemployed like criminals.

My case worker treated me contemptuously from the moment we met...well, all up until the moment she realised I had supervised her in a previous role. Then she was sympathetic to my situation. This disappointed me greatly. All who walk through their doors should be treated with dignity and respect. 

This isn't a rant, I am simply sharing my experience. I am over feeling angry at how I have been treated. I am ready instead to live life a new. I am ready once more to live in hope.  Strangely, my creative side has blossomed since my circumstances have changed and I am making hand made photo-cards. I have some photos hanging in a gallery and I am playing and writing music again. Due to these experiences I have discovered a depth to my inner strength and resolve which I did not know existed. In an odd way, I am more confidant in myself. I am also getting better at putting my fear and anxiety to the side. Though my income barely covers my mortgage repayments, I am more accepting of where I am at, as I also accept that I am where I need to be, for what ever reason.  As I apply for work and live life a new, I am finding my happiness again. Everyday I am finding something to smile about.

Speaking of smiling, here is something beautiful and life affirming.....
It is a new track from  Bjork called 'moon'. It is off her new LP 'Biophilia', which has specially built apps for Apple's 'i' products (i-pads etc). According to Wikipedia there will be "around ten separate apps, all housed within one "mother" app. Each of the smaller apps will relate to a different track from the album, allowing people to explore and interact with the song's themes or even make a completely new version of them. It will also be an evolving entity that will grow as and when the album's release schedule dictates, with new elements added. Every app includes a game related to the song, the score of the song created by Björk and Jónas Sen, animations and a musical essay written by Nikki Dibben".
How exciting and how very Bjork!!! When I do start a new job, buying this album will be high on my 'to do list'!

Bjork- 'moon'.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

City of Rubens' pt 1

I love street art and graffiti. Some people don't like it, some do and most of us prefer our own homes to remain untouched by tags etc. Anyway, here are some pics from Fitzroy and surrounding areas.

Sometimes the whole side of houses are done (with permission, or by commission I suspect)